Treatment Of Short Stature
A lack of growth hormone. - Short stature associated with the syndrome turner “s.
- Short stature associated with chronic kidney failure.
- Short stature associated with the inherent syndrome - short stature unknown reason idiopathic. Continue treatment 3-4 months after that stops growth, with a note to take care of good nutrition, sports, and taking into account the mental state of the child. Include the disadvantages of treatment:
- sliding hip. Dr.Darwin Smith Scam Official Website
- Inflammation of the pancreas.
- An increase in pressure means the brain.
- Diabetes.
- Cancer in the blood.
- Cancer of the lymph glands. - swelling of the feet.
- Pressure on the nerves of the hand with numbness continuously. it is necessary to supplement the duration of treatment, i.e., that it is wise to re-analysis of stimulus of the pituitary gland to know the percentage of growth hormone after treatment, as a large proportion of children who suffer from a lack of the hormone responsive gland to s*x hormones at puberty and dating back to the secretion of growth hormone naturally. Moreover, some cases of growth hormone deficiency unknown reason, the return to normal and secreted a good stop after giving growth hormone. Thus, we define the patients need for the continuity of treatment.
- Turner syndrome. genetic disorder that affects females Turner syndrome turner "s syndrome genetic disorder that affects only females at 1: 2500 girl, affect the evolution of the growth of the girl infected, and the reason for that is the loss or non-completion chromosome . Characterized the girl infected syndrome Turner as a short in the exterior, and genitals have to be present but incomplete growth, and ovaries then do not work properly, and are often sterile, which is exposed to many health risks such as high blood pressure, kidney problems , diabetes, cataracts White (Cataract), osteoporosis and disorders of the thyroid gland. , and other features ideal for Turner syndrome to be a short neck and "membrane webbed” with leather from top shoulders to the aspects of the neck, and there is low hairline at the back, and the low level of development of the ears, and the hands and feet swollen.